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Refereed Publications:




  • Martin, S. B. & Dandekar, D. (Editors) (2021 November). Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space, UK: Routledge.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


  • Martin, S. B., Gournaris, K.,  Jaffery, Z., Hatfield, L., Jung, S., Xiang, Li, Caskey, M. M. (2021). EdD graduate perspectives:  Uplifting our own voices. Impacting Education, Journal on Transforming Professions, Vol. 6(1), 45-52. DOI 10.5195/ie.2021.124


  • MacIsaac, P. L. Martin, S. B., Kubwayo, W., Wah, C., & Nanyenga, S. M. (2020). Stopped listening Experiences of higher education refugee-background learners. Journal of  Comparative & International Higher Education,12(Winter), 154-180


  • Martin, S. B., Burbach, J. H., Lares Benitez, L. and Ramiz, I. (2019). Participatory action research: A tool for bringing youth knowledge to the center of research. London Review of Education on Methodological Innovation, 17(3), 297-313.


  • Martin, S. B., Michaud, M. E., & Logerstedt, C. D. (2019) Faculty and graduate peer mentors online experiences in teaching and mentoring. Journal of General Education: A Curricular Commons of the Humanities and Sciences, 67(3-4), 79-96.


  • Martin, S. B., & Umubyeyi, V. (2019 May). What works in education in emergency: Co-researching and co-authoring. NORRAG Special Issue 02 Data Collection and Evidence Building to Support Education in Emergencies, 122-125.


  • Acar, S., Pinar-Irmak, O. H., & Martin, S. B. (2019 May). Children with disability in refugee populations. NORRAG Special Issue 02 Data Collection and Evidence Building to Support Education in Emergencies, 102-104.


  • Santelmann, L., Stevens, D. D., & Martin, S. B. (2018 April 4).  Fostering students’ self-regulation practices for research writing: A case study of one master’s class.  College Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2018.1446898


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters


  • Martin, S. B., Tavares, D., Philipos, M., Alvarez, A., Maranghi, I., Sanchez Cisneros, I., Diaz, D. & Peterson del Mar, D. (2021 November). Transforming ordinary spaces into hopeful spaces. In. S. Martin and D. Dandekar (Eds.). Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space, UK: Routledge.


  • Fernández, Ó., Martin, S. B., Anaya, L. M., Diaz-Espinosa, A.,Soriano-Valencia, W.,  Cadiz, S.,  Kinner, H., & Romero, C. (2021 November). Disrupting trauma tourism in diversity workshops and scholarship essays: A participatory study describing counternarratives by queer, trans, and students of colour. In. S. Martin and D. Dandekar (Eds.). Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space, UK: Routledge.


  • Martin, S. B., Warsame, D., Bigirimana, C., Lajustine, V, Teferra, G., Abdi, A., & Taban, J. (2018 August 4).  Kakuma Refugee Camp: Where knowledge and hope resides.  In P. Blessinger and E. Sengupta (Eds.), Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (IHETL): Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society (pp. 139-155). Somerville, MA: Emerald Group Publishing.


Refereed Presentations:


  • Martin, S. B., Schenck, M. C., Hirwa, J., Ndiritiro, R., Omar, S., Zakaria Abdalla, M., Rer, S., & Teferra, G. (2021 27-30 July). Refugee Narratives: Perspectives from the South I. International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Biannual Conference IASFM18. University of Ghana, Accra.


  • Schenck, M. C., Martin, S. B.,  Hirwa, J., Ndiritiro, R., Omar, S., Zakaria Abdalla, M., Rer, S., & Teferra, G. (2021 27-30 July). Refugee Narratives: Perspectives from the South II. International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Biannual Conference IASFM18. University of Ghana, Accra.


  • Kubwayo, W., & Nanyenga, S. M., Martin, S. B., & MacIsaac, P. L. (2021 25 April- 2 May). The other side of the fence: Positioning refugee-background learners as co-creators of knowledge to achieve a more equitably accessible education. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), USA


  • Martin, S. B., Warsame, D. & Said, A. (2020 March, Cancelled due to COVID-19).  Panel: Interconnecting education policy and practice in Muslim-Majority and diasporic communities. Paper: Faith and Education: Playing a Vital Role in Peace-Building. Paper presented at Comparative International Education Society (CIES), Miami, Florida.


  • Martin, S. B. & Umubyeyi, V. (2019 April 14-18). Refugees as producers of research and knowledge. Paper presented at Comparative International Education Society (CIES), San Francisco, California.


  • Martin, S. B. & Teffera, G. (2018 October 4-6). Refugees in limbo. Paper presented a Konferenz des Netzwerks Flüchtlingsforschung (Conference of the Refugee Research Network) at Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.


  • Martin, S.B. (2018 June 9). Kakuma Refugee Camp: Co-researching and co-Creating knowledge. Panel. Migration Cluster Lightning-Conference, Portland State University, Oregon USA.


  • Martin, S. B. & Bragg, B. & Cobb, B. (2018 April 5).  Home sweet Home, Learning from those who have experienced houselessness. Workshop.  Toward Pedagogies of Critical Community-based Learning Symposium.  Portland State University, Oregon USA.


  • Martin, S. B. & LaJustine, V. (2018 April 20-22).  Art-making, story-making, and finding solutions: Psychosocial peace-building education.  Master Class/Course.  Creative Arts Therapies Conference, Marylhurst University, Oregon, USA.


  • Martin, S. B. & Teffera, G. (2017 October 18).  Whose knowledge is valued and why?  Poster and written paper presentation.  Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Roundtable Case Study: Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning in Crisis-Affected Contexts, Florence, Italy.  


  • Martin, S. B., Ross, T., & Shema, I. R. (2017 June 29).  Co-creating spaces of hope through an educational, humanitarian, and researcher lens in protracted refugee situations. Panel discussion at HETL -UWS Scotland Conference, Paisley, Scotland


  • Martin, S. & Burbach, J. (2016 October 28-29). Nurturing hope in a culturally responsive classroom III. Workshop and presentation at the Annual Diversity Challenge Conference: Educating our Youths at the Institute for the Study and Promition of Race and Culture at Boston College, Boston, MA. 


  • ​Pewewardy, C., Martin, S., Lees, A., Belhaj, M., & Clark-Shim, H. (2016 November 9-13). Critical Consciousness study group: Dialogue for transformational Indigenous praxis. Workshop and presentation at National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), Cleveland, OH.


  • Martin, S. & Burbach, J. (2016 June 18-19). Nurturing hope in a culturally responsive classroom II. Workshop and presentation at The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED), Portland, OR.


  • Burbach, J. &  Martin, S.(2016 Feb 18-19). Nurturing hope in a culturally responsive classroom. Workshop and presentation at Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference, Washington State University, Spokane, WA.


  • Martin, S., Burbach, J., Julius, C., Musgrove, C., Arnold-Fowlkes, J., Sakaith, J., & Escobedo, M.  (2015 May). Critical hope and culturally responsive mathematics.  Presenter and moderator at Portland State University's Student Research Symposium, Portland, OR. 


  • Martin, S., Reynold, C., Anderson-Nathe, B., & Anderson, I.  (2014, April). Critical hope: Times of disruption and transformation. Panel presented at Western Social Science Association, Portland, OR.  



Invited Presentations:


  • Martin, S. B. (2020 June 27). Organizer & Closing Plenary Moderator for Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni Association: Global Cyber Conference: Envisioning the world after the great Pause.


  • Martin, S. B. (2020 June 27). Organizer & Presenter for Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni Association: Speaking for ourselves action research (SOAR). Global Cyber Conference: Envisioning the world after the great pause. Online presentation:


  • Martin, S. B. (2020). Organizer & Presenter for Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni Association: Hope through refugee-led initiatives in times of COVID-19. Webinar Series, Online presentation:


  • Martin, S. B. (2020). Organizer & Moderator for Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni Association: Performing Peace: Creativity as a tool to understand social processes and defend life. Webinar Series, USA.


  • Martin, S. B. (2018). Presentation for the Carnegie Project of the Education Doctorate (CPED) Dissertation in Practice Award: Co-creating spaces of critical hope through the use of a psychosocial peacebuilding education course in higher education in protracted refugee context: Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya.  CPED October Convening: Mentoring and Advising our Students and Ourselves, AZ, USA.


  • Martin, S. B. (2018 June 9). Kakuma Refugee Camp: Co-Researching and Co-Creating Knowledge. Panel. Migration Cluster Lightning-Conference, Portland State University, OR, USA.


  • Martin, S. B. (2017).  Educational Conference for Public School Teachers.  Workshop and presenter focusing on the psychosocial emotional development of children.  Kampala, Uganda.


  • Martin, S. B. & Burbach, J. (2016 June 18-19).  Nurturing hope in a culturally responsive classroom II.  Workshop and presentation at The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED), OR, USA.


  • Smith-Bryon, A. & Martin, S. (2016 Jan 22, Feb 26 & March 11). Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) Restorative Justice. Portland, OR.


  • Martin, S. (2006). Mercy Corps’ workshop on how to write a childcare-centered grant. Workshop presented in Hancock and Harrison Counties, MS.


  • Martin, S. (2004). Volunteerism and you. Workshops at the Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA.


  • Martin, S. (2002). Taking care of our profession: vicarious PTSD. Workshop at the International Art Therapy Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.


  • Martin, S. (2002).  Understanding how group dynamics works. Workshop at the Volunteers in Mission, Johannesburg, South Africa. 


  • Martin, S. (2001). Silent no more. Orchestrated and presented the first think tank forum that discussed how the YWCA could direct services to better serve targeted communities, Chicago, IL.


  • Martin, S. (2000) Analysis of empathy through the visual dialogue. Presentation that addressed detainment of youth, empathy,Art therapy and youth policy at Cook County Juvenile Detention Center,  Chicago, IL.


Other Creative Achievements:


  • Martin, S. B., Warsame, D., Bigirimana, C., Lajustine, V, Teferra, G., Abdi, A., & Taban, J. (2018 March).  Kakuma Refugee   Camp: Where knowledge and hope resides.  In P. Blessinger and E. Sengupta (Eds.), Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (IHETL): Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society.  Somerville, MA: Emerald Group Publishing


  • Martin, S. (2015). Book Review: Discerning Critical Hope in Educational Practices,  by Bozalek, V, Leibowitz, B., Caroliseen, R. & Boler, M. Social Work Education, International, 


  • Burbach, J.,Martin, S., Arnold-Fowlkes, J., Esobedo, M., Hibbs, A., Julius, C., Musgrove, C., & Sakaith, J. (2015). Who defines me? Spaces and Places of Agency and Hope. Handbook of Research on Promoting Cross-Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education.  Manuscript in press.


  • World Pulse.(2014). World Pulse's Digital Empowerment Trainer's Toolkit.  World Pulse, Portland, OR.

    • (2015). World Pulse’s Self Care Toolkit . World Pulse, Portland, OR.

    • (2015). World Pulse’s Safety and Security Toolkit . World Pulse, Portland, OR.

    • (2015). Digital Online Mobilization. World Pulse, Portland, OR.


  • Whitehurst, W. and Whitehurst, B. (2008). Following God’s call: Individual volunteers in mission. Adingdon Press, Nashville, TN.


  • Martin, S. (1995). Published 5 poems, Northwest Passage Journal, Monmouth, Oregon.




  • Co-Principal Investigator. (2017).  Best Practices: Co-creating Spaces for Culturally Responsive Practices.  Diversity Action Council: The President’s Diversity Mini-Grants Program. USD500.


  • Community Partner and Grant Writer. (2009).  Establishing a True Partnership: A Phenomenological Study, Portland State University: Center for Academic Excellence, Portland, OR. USA.  The phenomenological study reflected on our lived experiences about what it is like to establish a partnership between a university professional preparation program and a community partner that provides practicum/internship sites for students.  Award USD2500.


  • Grant Writer and Grant Reporter. (2006). Co-authored Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) grants.  Grants focused on reconstruction and recovery in a post-war setting.  Mercy Corps, Beirut, Lebanon. Award USD4.2Million (OFDA) and USD300,000 (ECHO).


  • Grant Reporter and Coordinator. (2006). Oversaw grant administration, monitoring, and reporting for all Mississippian grantees, US Fund for UNICEF, Washington, DC.  Award USD300,000.


  • Grant Writer.  (2006). Mercy Corps, Save the Children, NJ State Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent Association and Bay St. Louis Public School District Playground Project, Bay St. Louis, MS, USA.  Award: USD2,500.


  • Grant Writer and Program Developer. (2000). Bophelong-Place of Life – Dieploot Association, Diepsloot, South Africa.  Wrote, managed, evaluated and monitored three individual grants from the Global Ministries Women's Division, NY, USA, and the Chicago Methodist Episcopal Aid Society, Illinois, USA.  USD15,000.



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