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Martin, S. B.  (2018 January 18).  Co-creating spaces of critical hope through the use of a psychosocial peace building education course in higher education in protracted refugee context: Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. [Dissertation]. Retrieved from


Refereed Publications


Martin, S. B. & Dandekar, D. (Editors) (2021 under contract). Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space, UK: Routledge.


MacIsaac, P. L, Martin, S. B., Kubwayo,  W., Wah, C., Nanyenga, S. (in review). Stopped listening: Perceptions of and by resettled refugees in higher education. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, XX(X), XX-XX.


Martin, S. B., Gournaris, K.,  Jaffery, Z., Hatfield, L., Jung, S., Xiang, Li, Caskey, M. M. (in press). EdD graduate perspectives:  Uplifting our own voices. Impacting Education, Journal on Transforming Professions, XX(XX), XX-XX.


Martin, S. B., Burbach, J. H., Lares Benitez, L. and Ramiz, I. (2019). Participatory action research: A tool for bringing youth knowledge to the center of research. London Review of Education on Methodological Innovation, 17(3), 297-313.


Martin, S. B., Michaud, M. E., & Logerstedt, C. D. (2019) Faculty and graduate peer mentors online experiences in teaching and mentoring. Journal of General Education: A Curricular Commons of the Humanities and Sciences, 67(3-4), 79-96.


Martin, S. B., & Umubyeyi, V. (2019 May). What works in education in emergency: Co-researching and co-authoring. NORRAG Special Issue 02 Data Collection and Evidence Building to Support Education in Emergencies, 122-125.


Acar, S., Pinar-Irmak, O. H., & Martin, S. B. (2019 May). Children with disability in refugee populations. NORRAG Special Issue 02 Data Collection and Evidence Building to Support Education in Emergencies, 102-104.


Martin, S. B., Warsame, D., Bigirimana, C., Lajustine, V, Teferra, G., Abdi, A., & Taban, J. (in press 2018). Kakuma Refugee Camp: Where knowledge and hope resides. In P. Blessinger and E. Sengupta (Eds.), Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (IHETL): Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society. Somerville, MA: Emerald Group Publishing


Santelmann, L., Stevens, D. D., & Martin, S. B. (2018 April 4). Fostering students’ self-regulation practices for research writing: A case study of one master’s class. College Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2018.1446898


Non-Refereed Publications


Burbach, J., Martin, S.B., Arnold-Fowlkes, J., Escobedo, M., Hibbs, A., Julius, C., Musgrove, C., & Sakaith, J. (2016). Who defines me? Spaces and Places of Agency and Hope. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Promoting Cross-Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Martin, S. B. (2015 November 9).  Book Review: Discerning Critical Hope in Educational Practices, by Bozalek, V, Leibowitz, B., Caroliseen, R. & Boler, M. Social Work Education, International, 237-238.

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