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  • Applied a community-based action approach that researches with and for the community;

  • Implemented a psychosocial peace-building education course in Kakuma Refugee Camp;

  • Utilized a pragmatic mixed methods approach: Thematic analysis, survey, and semi-structured interviews;



  • Co-published with co-researchers, Kakuma Refugee Camp: Where Hope and Knowledge Reside;

  • Co-presented with a co-researcher at the INEE Roundtable in Italy (October 2017);

  • Co-facilitated and co-presented with co-researcher at Marylhurst: Cultivating Community: Counseling & Creative Arts Conference (April 2018);

  • Co-presented with a co-researcher at the Konferenz des Netzwerks Flüchtlingsforschung (Conference of the Refugee Research Network) at Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Munich, Germany (October, 2018);

  • Co-published with co-researchers in Comparative International Education Society conference (Co-researching), London Education Review (CBA methodology), and NORAAG (case study)

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