"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it."
- The Talmud
My personal artwork combines bookmaking, writing, and design. The artwork often times is attempting to gentle push the audience to critically think about a certain topic (e.g. migration, youth, racism, privilege, and so on).
NOTE: In this art portfolio, I have chosen ten drawings and videos.

1. Topic: Abuse, Titled, "He Took 28 minute from Me"

2. Topic: Youth Detention Center. Titled, "Stories We Tell When We No One is Listening"

3. Topic: Domestic Violence. Performance Piece, Titled, "Porcelain Pages of Family Stories"

4. Topic: Feelings. Titled, "Naming What is Really Going On"

5. Topic: Who are you? Titled, "How to Not Follow the Flock

6. Topic: Education. Titled, "Traveling"

7. Topic: Migration and War. Titled, "Live As We Lived."

8. Topic: Hope & Despair. Titled, "Seeds"

9. Topic: Responsive. Titled, No Title.

10. Topic: ReUse. Titled, "Folded Newspaper"