"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it."
- The Talmud
nthabiseng project ("nthabiseng" in sesotho, "make me happy")
To develop, implement and sustain a program working with children and youth using art and spirituality while addressing the prevention and intervention of violence.
Collage/Feeling Journal
Animal or Figure
Shelter or House
Book-making, Illustration and Story-telling
Closing & Reflection
When I left South Africa in 2002, The Nthabiseng Project
already served 250 children and youth and 20 teachers.
A local small non-governmental organization (NGO) continues
to run the program.
General Board of Global Ministries, Mission Personnel, NY, NY
General Board of Global Ministries, Women’s Division, NY, NY
Chicago Methodist Episcopal Aid Society, Chicago, IL
United Methodist Northern Illinois Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
Bophelong-Place of Life-Diepsloot Association, Bryanston Methodist Church, SA
Zahkeni Arts Therapy Foundation, SA